Synopsis : Studio 3 is a television 'wrapper' program which was launched with the arrival of the new Australian children's channel ABC3 in 2009, hence the title Studio 3. The show is hosted by Kayne Tremills, Amberley Lobo, James Elmer, who joined the cast in April 2011, as well as Alfie Gledhill and Olivia "Liv" Phyland who joined the cast in December 2011. The original two hosts also presented Countdown To 3. Alfie left Studio 3 in September. Egyptian Comedian Khaled Khalafalla joined the hosts in late 2012 filling in for Alfie, but later left around March 2013 due to feeling his comedic nature was too restricted on a children's show.
Following instigation of new hosts Liv and Alfie in early 2012, Kayne is often absent from the show for month long periods, usually to film new separate TV shows.
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