Synopsis : Bongga is a now-defunct regional variety show in the Philippines that aired every Sundays before "SOP" over GMA Network TV 6 in Iloilo and GMA TV 10 in Bacolod City. The show was popular for its segments "Pok Gi Pok", a gay boxing challenge where two gay contestants battle it out using oversized hand gloves; and "Bongga Babes", a bikini-open contest featuring the sexiest babes in Western Visayas. It also featured some of the hottest Ilonggo bands and dance groups in Western Visayas, with the special participation of some of the most popular GMA Kapuso stars flown in from Manila every now and then to join the "Bongga!" gang. Because of the show's own brand of fun and vibrant entertainment rarely seen in other local variety shows in Visayas and Mindanao, "Bongga" has earned the tag "Pinasahi sa Tanan".
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