Synopsis : Hyun Ji-seok, a university professor, and Go Mi-yeon, a scriptwriter, were high school sweethearts, who discover that they are cousins. They break up, but find themselves attracted to one other once again when they meet in Seoul four years later.
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Genre : Drama
Medvirkende : Kang Ji-hwan (Hyun Ji-suk), Kim Ha-neul (Go Mi-yeon), Jeong Hye-young (Park Jung-ran), Yoon Hee-seok (Kim Tae-hoon), Kim Hyeong-beom (Park Deok-goo), Yoon Hyeon-sook (Kim Wal-sook), Kim Hye-ok (Ji-suk's mother), Lee Jae-yong (Ji-suk's father), Lee Jang-woo (Mi-yeon's classmate), Ahn Yong-jun (Mi-yeon's nephew), Ha Jae-yeong (Go Wang-bong), Choi Sung-ho (Boo Byung-chan), Seo Ji Yeon (Writer)
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